

May 5, 2017

FLARE Annual Meeting 2017

FLARE (Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement) network is organizing its annual meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. 3rd Annual FLARE meeting. 29 September – 2 October, 2017.

The annual FLARE meeting is being organized in partnership with Stockholm University, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI), Forest, Climate and Livelihoods Research Network (FOCALI), and the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI). It will continue to advance discussion and collaboration around the relationships surrounding forests and livelihoods, with special attention to three core themes, although it will also build on themes from previous meetings.

Meeting themes include: Ethics of Forest-Livelihoods Policies; Small and Medium Forest Enterprises and forest based livelihoods; Forest, Livelihoods, and the SDGs; The Future of Forest Work and Communities; Forests in Flux; Developing Approaches and Indicators to Assess Social and Ecological Outcomes; Linking Practice and Research; Pathways to Prosperity; Implementing Forest & Livelihood Policies; Agricultural Commodities; Climate.

Deadline for abstract (oral presentations, lightning talks, panel sessions, posters, and workshops) submissions is 10 June 2017.

More info about the meeting is available here.